Vicki Yohe Vicki Yohe - HIGHEST PRAISE

We want to enter into the courts
Of the Lord with singing
We want to fill the halls of Heaven-with our song
We've got to be sure that our best
Is what we're bringing
And that the heart is where all the praise-is coming from
Because the Lord deserves more than the music
Or beautiful words
You know the God we serve is worthy of our everything
And that's the reason why we sing

Hallelujah! - To God be the glory!
For the wonderful marvelous things
That he has done for us
Hallelujah! - To God be the glory!
Give the Lord the highest praise!
Give the Lord the highest praise!

We've got a reason and a right to shout
And sing God's praises
And we're gonna serve him gladly-lifting up holy hands
We're gonna join together, rejoicing
In his presence
Giving the Lord the glory-in every way we can
Because the Lord gave us his own life
To show us his love
That's why we lift him up and offer him our
Everything he's the reason why we sing

Praises - Give him the praises
High praises - Give the Lord the highest
Praises - Give him the praises
High praises - Give the Lord the praise
Worthy - Worthy he's worthy - Worthy of the highest
Praises - Give him the praises
High praises - Give the Lord the praise